We are literally Women committed to enhancing our community through Friendship and Philanthropy and having a lot of fun along the way.
Membership in the Mill Creek Women’s Club is open to women living in the greater Mill Creek area. The annual dues are $75 through May 31, 2025 and prorated after January of each year. Women interested may attend one of our monthly luncheons prior to joining at the guest luncheon cost of $38. Contact Membership Chair Mike Hooks at membershipmcwc@gmail.com. After submitting this form, your membership is pending
until payment is received. You may mail your check for $75 to Mill Creek Women’s Club, P.O. Box 12453, Mill Creek, Washinton 98082. After your membership dues are received, you will be able to view the member portion of the website and participate in club activities. Membership Chair Mike Hooks will be in touch with you regarding your registration, is available to answer any questions or to make your guest luncheon reservation.
Our Monthly General Membership Meetings include a program and lunch that are held the third Thursday of each month from September through May, at locations alternating between the Mill Creek Country Club and the meeting room at Shawn O’ Donnell’s.
Many other activities throughout the year offer more ways to meet new friends, connect and have fun. Once a month a “Social” is open to those interested. Recent socials have included chocolate-making at Dawn’s Candy, creating works of art at Molten Works and Glass Studio, attending a musical at the Village Theater. Monthly gatherings of members who share common interests, “Special Interest Groups”, include book clubs, a cooking club, card and game groups and so much more.
Each month members receive our e-newsletter “Wise and Otherwise” announcing activities, tours and programs. Members also have access to our online Membership Directory to stay connected with one another.
Volunteerism is at the very heart of who we are and what we do. It truly takes all of us working together to fulfill our mission. Help a little or help as much as you like. The Board of Directors includes thirteen women who each head a specific responsibility to keep the Club and all its activities functioning. Each one of them requires leadership and some technology skills, but each one also relies on additional volunteers to help. Some of that work includes inviting new members, serving as “friends” to help new members get acquainted, helping with our Philanthropy Committee to raise funds for the charities we support, locating and securing interesting programs for our luncheons, or helping select social activities that take place in addition to our monthly meetings.
One organization we support through our own organized volunteer effort is Snohomish County YWCA Pathways for Women in Everett. Several of our members volunteer at the Y’s Working Wardrobe, which helps provide a boutique of clothing for women in need as they interview for work. Our volunteers help sort and organize donated clothing and meet with clients to help them select outfits and accessories for their interviews. Our volunteers have expressed a tremendous sense of reward in helping these women and have also expressed the joy they experience as they become close friends with the other Club volunteers.
Many members join with the main purpose of socializing, but also find that pitching in truly helps develop and deepen relationships. Volunteers often say they receive greater rewards than what they give.
Please email us at members@millcreekwomensclub.com for more information.
Would you like to be contacted about membership? Feel free to reach out!